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the girl.

QOS sugar,spice and all thing nice.

Rieka Erina.

girl, who left her past :D
enjoys reading, writing and day dreaming
I ♥ Jesus

" you're mysterious and
you laugh in the
face of danger.
you usually don't
go with the crowd
unless you're leading it.
you're laid back in times
of risk yet you're willing
to risk it all for love
you're a rebel at heart
and very hot "

ongoing challenge~
of all the rest.

I want you ;D
you're wrong, i don't want you anymore
and lots and lots of money to go shopping. x)
i wanna be on TOP

open up.

next best.

Best Friend <3

Dao Qian
Hwee ting
Jin li
Jun shen
Steven Kurniawan
Ting Fong
Win teng
Ying tsui
Yuen Chong
Zhao Jie

unique graphics
promotional codes


unforgotten tho.

June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
March 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
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December 2011
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August 2013
September 2013
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November 2013
January 2014
May 2014

thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x Personalize: myself =D

Saturday, March 27, 2010

either i cry or i have sudden attack of hyperventilation.
help me.

Today Interact club went for flag day(: Im so happy I don't know why. I felt a sense of achievement having heavy cans with Jiamin :P someone keep pasting her stickers on my can wor ! xD But might go and try out for the leadership thingy that guy in Rotary club mention. See first.


7:13 PM


I should learn to shut up.


Today Jiamin,Dheenah and I went to Kai'en's house to play with her hamster! (:
So happy, I fell in love with one of the cutie. I talk Indo to her, as if she understand. She was so hyperactive, running from my one palm to another. And she was busy shitting too. ZOMG. She shitted on my hand, super small ! Then I accidentally drop the cutie baby T-T Hope she didn't hurt her internal organ. My hand just sprung up and I dropped her. Omg. She must've felt so afraid just now. Now Im guilty. ._. I love watching her nibble on her yellow foodieee. She was simply adorable ♥

7Habits of highly effective Teens. yay.

2:32 AM

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Each time something like this happen Im going for haircut. But this time coincidentally I've already planned for a haircut. :D Next month :D :D
As usual, in hope to cheer myself up.
School's getting hectic. Glad that I reminded Ms.Young to distribute the '7 habits of highly effective teens' today!!! The book which I have been wanting for years :) Yay!
Today's PE wasn't good at all =.= Had a dizzy spell after the 3rounds of run and almost fainted inside the cubicle. My vision was practically pitch dark, lucky manage to get myself support from the cubicle wall. Then realized the source of my stomach cramps. So stupiddd. Didn't do PE for the rest of the period :D
3 tests on Monday! Gambatte neh! ^^v

one word messages..

7:42 PM

buat kamu seorang

Saat aku nulis ini kamu pasti udah terlelap. Aku seneng banget bisa mengenal kamu. Hari2 bersamamu slalu membawa senyum dihariku. Aku masih inget banget pas kita pertama kali bertemu..Berkat K dan YC juga kita bisa kenalan. Stlah itu kamu mulai sms aku tiap pagi, sehingga menunggu ucapan selamat pagimu telah menjadi kebiasaan. Aku suka banget melihat kamu senyum, apalagi tertawa. Waktu pertama kali aku tertarik oleh tawamu pas kamu temenin aku nungguin bus pulang, aku tau aku pengen melihat kamu tertawa sesering mungkin. Aku sering bilang, kamu beda ama cowo lain. Alasan sebenarnya yang membuat kamu beda bukan karena kamu orang Indo, tapi karena kamu orangnya cuek. Biarpun cuek tapi kamu s'lalu sms aku tiap pagi, itu yg membuatku seneng banget. Org2 pernah bilang padaku tentang keburukanmu, tapi aku tetap menganggap keburukanmu itulah yg membuatku tertarik kepadamu. Ketidakramahan itu yg membuatku pengen mengenalmu lebih jauh. Perlahan2 aku jadi suka ama kamu. Pertama kali pas kita di lantai tertinggi di Orchard Central, aku tidak menjauh darimu karena aku udah suka denganmu. Aku masih ingat pemandangan itu, langit yang gelap tidak terlihat bintang..Suara orang2 jalan kesana kemari..Dan bau parfum mu yg gak bakal aku lupakan. Bau parfum itu yg paling melekat dibayanganku. Mulai itu aku tau aku ingin denganmu terus, ingin s'lalu menemanimu. Apalagi saat kamu kasih aku denger lagu 'Tercipta Untukku' . Kamu tau nggak, aku menganggapmu sbagai ssorang yg sangat ga romantis, tapi kadang perilaku kecil seperti itu yang menurutku sangat romantis. Apalagi video 'So Close' yg kamu kasih liat ke aku. Aku suka banget.. Sbnarnya kita fail banget dalam hal backstreet. Pas itu padahal rencananya diantara kita berdua doank, tapi dimana2 orang tau kita sepasang bahkan sebelum kita jadian. Coklat yang kamu kasih, masih sisa 2. Apakah kamu akan memberiku lagi kalau udah habis? Perlu kamu tau, aku dulu suka coklatnya biasa2 aja, tapi sekarang aku jadi suka banget coklat itu gara2 kamu yg beri.

Aku pengen kamu tau aja, aku masih tetap menyayangimu meskipun sekarang status kita hilang. Masih boleh saling menyayangi kok. Dan meskipun aku s'lalu ragu saat kamu bilang kamu sayang aku, aku bisa ngerasain kok betapa sayangnya kamu ke aku dalem 1 bulan ini. Kamu cuma tidak pandai memperhatikan doank, tapi kamu tetap melakukan hal2 manis yg membuat aku seneng. (:

Jason, aku sayang kamu, jangan sedih lagi ya? Hatiku ini masih milikmu sayang...

1:10 AM

Sunday, March 21, 2010

#19 When she says that she likes you, she really does more than you could understand.

5:45 PM

If I tell you I love you, can I keep you forever?


2:08 PM

Saturday, March 20, 2010
love is when...

you miss him even before you part
when you could listen to him talk all night

and never get tired of hearing his voice

when the sound of his name
send chills down your spine

and you see his smile
the second you
close your

6:58 PM



1:35 AM

Thursday, March 18, 2010

So sweet, I got a chocolate from someone today ♥
A ferrero rocher chocolate wrapper folded into a rose for you.
Give back to me but,
where has it gone too?

My nails are pale purple now. Okay, not as good as I've expected ): I want something bolder and brighter. But purple itself is a new change so Yay! :D

In the end not only Pris that came my place, Weiquan,SQ,Sionghui and Rayner came too. We played bridge,taitee and cheat. Cheat was uber fun! :P

Pris and I talked about various things that happened in the past. I guess it's nice talking about the past that way, where we are less childish and more open to opinions. (:

I wanna go music festival ):

12:53 AM

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Im hating the way i blog right now. Why am i always microblogging?
I should just stop blogging altogether. Why's my life so boring and updated yet I still want to try and find chance to blog? ):

Going out soon. Pris's coming my house in the evening(: I hope catching up with secondary schoolmate will make me feel better. It's not that I don't feel good. I'm perfectly, utterly fine. But perhaps Im just feeling a little...out of the place right now. Haha.

I wish that getting colourful nailpolish would help make me feel better. Im gonna go bank soon! (:


Let's do something for a change, something different.

PS. I like using white eyeliner as my eyeshadow primer. It works really well guys! :P try it (:

12:21 PM

Udah gw bilang berkali2,

Jika kau tak percaya padaku,
sakitnya aku.

syg kamu kok ga percaya gw sih. emank gw sulit dipercaya? kamu tau ga gw sedih bgt tiap kali kamu bilang gw ga mikirin kamu, ga kangen kamu dsb. pdhl gw ga boong sama skali. apa yg bisa ku lakukan agar kamu bisa percaya?


1:29 AM

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Pink (:

Today we went to send Praisely to airport! :D Ok, the problem with sending your friend to airport too often is that you get jaded with the feeling of parting it doesn't feel like a parting anymore. ._. But nevertheless, gonna miss Praisely a lot! These few days have been good although we only ketemu a few times. Haha!

So I like the picture above very much! Pink is so pretty (: Pink background + pink shirt + 2 girls who really love pink! Lalala~ Pris's coming to my house in the evening tomorrow . Gonna talk talk talk ! =P


11:27 PM

Monday, March 15, 2010

Everyday I wonder why he saw me when a thousand other girls saw him.

10:40 PM

tap tap tap..

dear shin,
Gw pengen bisa lebih mengenal dia sblm semua ini ada.gw pengen tau dulu dia sebenarnya org yg gimana.tapi kok kynya udah terlanjur. gw harus gimana shin? tolong gw donk. gw pengen bisa seperti dlu seneng tiap hari, tapi gw juga pengen bikin dia seneng. gimana shin? ):

8:14 PM

fuck la rieka.
dont be such a bitch.

12:38 AM


what am i getting myself into?

12:17 AM

Sunday, March 14, 2010
pikachu !

Back from camp ! (:
10S28 FTW! (:
Xuefang, Shifana and Hanis rocks ! ;D

So basically S28 bonded a lot through the camp. The camp itself isn't the most fun thing ever but with S28, it rocks!

First day was mostly about playing team building games. Which is where our class bond. We have our class mascot, Jeremy Anthony the pikachu! xD and our dynamite cheer.

I got a titititititititi BOOM DYNAMYTE.
I got a tititititititititititititititititi ( Issac: S28 ! ) BOOMZ !

We learn the couple dance too! =P
At first I was partner with Robin chinaboy! But later on I switch partner with Darren, so I partner with Kai'en and Robin dance with Darren xD I prefer dancing the guy's part more than the girl's part somehow (: hehe

And then we played captain's ball! :D cheers to S28, we tied 21-21 ^^ that shows how much class spirit we have. :P

That night, I found a new sleeping partner, Kai'en ! hehe. We chatted since nights out till like almost 1 about various thing-a-ma-bob. Like L and J and the past and some perverts. HAHA. Initially I can still voices of other girls also chatting but the sound diminished as the night goes later and then there were only 2 of us talking. xD I couldn't sleep that night, tossing and turning all the way trying to sleep until I took my phone and checked that it was already 4am in the morning! O.O And I gotta wake up at 5.30 to get all the girls from S28 up ^^ Ops, did I just expose to the whole world that I didn't surrender my phone ? xD

2nd day we had amazing race @ pasir ris park! S28 was singing all the way from the school to Pasir ris park! Haha. Chia yin has a really good voice! power! ( Weiquan, you should really learn from your cousin xD ) And when we reached there many things happen in Pasir ris park but right now Im really lazy to elaborate. Just ask me (:

Soul night was F.U.N
Now I know why we didn't get in during the soul night audition. ._. As compared to the performers.... Haha. Everyone was very high though. Especially when Kamarul's band performed! Everyone rush in front of the stage and started screaming and jumping. Omg. Hahaha Tingfong scream like crazy woman lah! That night Kai'en and I didn't chat that much, we slept early xD

3rd day wasn't that fun. ._. It's all the yog sports and a talk by one of the council. B.O.R.I.N.G

we're gonna have class outing on Friday, woohoo ! (:


7:42 PM

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Of course I don't want history to repeat itself.

I wish Ninnart or Maruay is like right here listening to the major problem im facing right now. Which i don't know how to express in words but im pretty sure i can share it with you guys face to face. ):

To be more understanding, less selfish, empathy.

Off to camp tmr....

11:04 PM

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

ini buat kamu .

Jika ada yang bilang ku lupa kau
Jangan kau dengar
Jika ada yang bilang ku tak setia
Jangan kau dengar

Banyak cinta yang datang mendekat
Ku menolak
Semua itu karena ku cinta kau

Jika ada yang bilang ku tak baik
Jangan kau dengar
Jika ada yang bilang ku berubah
Jangan kau dengar

Banyak cinta yang datang mendekat
Ku menolak
Semua itu karena ku cinta kau

Saat kau ingat aku ku ingat kau
Saat kau rindu aku juga rasa
Ku tahu kau slalu ingin denganku
Ku lakukan yang terbaik yang bisa ku lakukan
Tuhan yang tahu ku cinta kau

Jika kau tak percaya pada ku
Sakitnya aku
Jika kau lebih dengar mereka
Sedih hatiku
Banyak cinta yang datang mendekat
Ku menolak
Semua itu karena ku cinta kau

Saat kau ingat aku ku ingat kau
Saat kau rindu aku juga rasa
Ku tahu kau slalu ingin denganku
Kau tahu ku juga ingin denganmu
Ku tahu kau slalu ingin denganku
Ku lakukan yang terbaik yang bisa ku lakukan
Tuhan yang tahu ku cinta kau

9:52 PM

Monday, March 08, 2010

u made my heart skipped a million beats.


YAY! Im anticipating Praisely's visit next week! =D
Miss you so much ! (: I wish I could fetch you on Friday but TPJC is holding our sec1 camp on that day =.= Darn! But still, gonna see you on Saturday no matter what ! YAY!


Coincidence like that coincidence is not called coincidence anymore. It's called the pull of gravity acting on the people who loves me xD That's why u guys contacted me on the same day. HAHA


2:34 AM

Friday, March 05, 2010

asal kamu tau aja,
kemarin gw ga nungguin siapa2 kecuali elo.
makanya jgn cuekin gw donk.

Very long since I added colors to my post. hehe (:

So we didn't make it into soul night._. CGREP asked if i was disappointed. ahh, i guess a little bit. But it was the process that I enjoyed the most. (: The class haven't been too bad as well, it's mostly the lessons that are boring. Haha. Maths tcher's a biatch. -.-

Im going childcare centre later! wooohooo! =P Hope it'll be fun..hehe (:

I miss a lot of people right now. Mainly Ninnart,Maruay and Praisely. Life just sucks without you guys around.



5:19 AM

Thursday, March 04, 2010
i dont wanna ever love another.

you'll always be my thunder.

kau buat aku bertanya
kau bat aku mencari
tentang rasa ini
aku tak mengerti
akankah sama jadinya
bila bukan kamu
lalu senyummu menyadarkanku
kau cinta pertama dan terakhirku

Soul night audition on Tuesday! ._. I wonder if we can get in or not.. Even if we did get in, do I have the guts to sing in front of 800+ people? =\
Anyway, it's been fun working with you guys. Kaien,Zainal,Issac and Robin. =D u guys rocks ttm! ^^

gimana cara mendapatkan kebebasan seperti dulu?
karena skrg, kamu bukan tempat untuk membagi cerita sperti dulu lgi.


12:34 AM